Friday, September 18, 2009

The war flash fiction

She sat next to the mailbox waiting for the delivery.
a letter, a phrase, a word! anything. It never came.
All the small boxes had letters in them, hope, news,anything!
hers sat empty it was just a mailbox. His last name beautiful painted on it.
oh that last name the one she had so happily taken on her wedding day.
but now it was alone, no letter. Just like her, all alone.
And then the letter came. and he had died!
she sat next to the mailbox and cried her soul out.
wishing that the letter had never come.
wishing that the war had never happened.

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About Me

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I am just a young girl in an old world. With my heart as a compass and ambition in my blood i'm ready for the adventure life has ahead for me. I love the art of expression, writing, art, photography or music, anything that lets the heart speak and the mind soar