Monday, September 28, 2009

great great somebody

I am alive, and right now to me I am the most important thing.
The air I inhale matters, the things I do influence
But when I die and I am not more than a vague memory,
I will not be your most important.
When my great great grandkids hear about their grandma Kate,
Will that mean anything?
Or will it be yet another name on a long list of ancestors long deceased.
Will I disappear into a name.
Only a name on a page. I can’t say I am any better.
I don’t know those who I have never met
My great great somebody on my grandpa’s side
But it saddens me.
Could I be more?
Could I forge a mark on the future if I’m not a part of it?
Or are we to live for now, for those with us now.
And then accept being a name, a great great somebody
on my grandpas side

Sunday, September 27, 2009

what are men compared to rocks and mountains and carriages that work? \
-- pride and prejudice

Monday, September 21, 2009

to do list

finally decide to writ to do list
watch all the lord of the rings movies
go to the lake and take funny pictures
finally get that book from Erin
buy a really good sandwich
go to the art center next to library
write about the art in art center
play with little sister
avoid watching movie with little sister
kiss her
read the really good book i got from Erin
get excited for my birthday on Friday
do laundry
go to sleep before midnight, if possible
practice viola
go on a bike ride
go to the cutest antique stor with Erin
maybe do some homework, if necessary
get pictures taken for passport
wish i had somewhere to go with that passport
finish to do list

Friday, September 18, 2009

The war flash fiction

She sat next to the mailbox waiting for the delivery.
a letter, a phrase, a word! anything. It never came.
All the small boxes had letters in them, hope, news,anything!
hers sat empty it was just a mailbox. His last name beautiful painted on it.
oh that last name the one she had so happily taken on her wedding day.
but now it was alone, no letter. Just like her, all alone.
And then the letter came. and he had died!
she sat next to the mailbox and cried her soul out.
wishing that the letter had never come.
wishing that the war had never happened.
I had a great day! I just really liked it! I love the feeling of being
extremely happy and not even having a reason! I love it!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Repunzil flash fiction

He was coming she knew it! The tower couldn't hold her in forever.
Someday she would be free, escape the heat and the darkness. see the moon!
But her gold hair turned grey and the moon never shone.

Mother nature flash fiction

He studied them all, one at a time until he had written everything about each of them.
Every rock,bug, leaf, and tree. He filled notebooks with observations.
They would be amazed at the things he discovered.
spending each day meticulously writing it all down.
He knew the forest enough to unlock all of its secrets.
Then one night lightning stuck, while he was gathering wood.
It burned his tent, his notebooks.
Everything he knew when up in flames. spontaneous combustion.
Nature likes her privacy. So he went home and became a firefighter.

The artist flash fiction

The artist lifted his brush and took five stroaks. "It's art!" he claims.
he buys a frame and enters it into and art contest. He wins 2nd place.
He cried to his pillow "My life work!" and scrams his rage out. second best
was never good enough.

Another artist spends weeks sketching,planing and painting.
she took thousands of stroaks, and more than one canvas.
she buys a frame and enters it into an art contest. she won third place.
she takes the ribbon and shows all her friends, then carefully
hangs it in her living room.

response to an opera

The sea roared and so did her heart. She was a strong woman.
She wasn't supposed to let this happen to her. He broke her heart ,
took all and gave nothing. She was devastated she mourned but she
was still strong and however much it hurt she would be alright.
She let the wind blow her hair and the sea mist moisten her skin.
It felt good and appropriate for how she was feeling.
She had let him hurt her heart! But she wouldn't let it happen again,
she would no longer wear her heart on her sleeve,
she would hold it safe for her protection. She thought she was
stronger than this. wasn't she? yes she was! Then she cracked and the
tears came. and her fingers quickly wiped them away but they continued to come.
She sat down sinking into the sand. Her beautiful white dress
was now covered in sand and water. She was glad of that,
for she now held it as a sign of a wedding, of a love that would never be.
She put her head softly in her hands and for the fist time in a
very long time sobbed her heart out. She sat their until she no
longer had any tears. When she finally looked up, a soft white
butterfly soared above the water. And she knew that she would be alright.
she stood up her eyes burning and eyes even more so, and quietly walked
quickly home.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

found word poem revision one

Devour art
the kind of art you find beneath your feet
and then paint it
paint it in the world
in the sky and water
find your idea fast!
because your dream could change our planet
scenic musing bring forward your inspirations
the power in your hands is all you need
when it's painted,painted in the sky
in the sky and water
look at it
did appropriate color kiss
did it melt and blend like the heart
and discover your masterpieces

found word poem,

devour Art
paint birds-eye world?
Find idea fast!
dream changes planet
encourage true.. beauty
discover pure brillance
scenic musings
forward inspirations
maybe power perks drive
did appropriate color kiss
discover masterpieces

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

welcome to my blog! yea I finally have one and I am super excited!


About Me

My photo
I am just a young girl in an old world. With my heart as a compass and ambition in my blood i'm ready for the adventure life has ahead for me. I love the art of expression, writing, art, photography or music, anything that lets the heart speak and the mind soar