Monday, September 28, 2009

great great somebody

I am alive, and right now to me I am the most important thing.
The air I inhale matters, the things I do influence
But when I die and I am not more than a vague memory,
I will not be your most important.
When my great great grandkids hear about their grandma Kate,
Will that mean anything?
Or will it be yet another name on a long list of ancestors long deceased.
Will I disappear into a name.
Only a name on a page. I can’t say I am any better.
I don’t know those who I have never met
My great great somebody on my grandpa’s side
But it saddens me.
Could I be more?
Could I forge a mark on the future if I’m not a part of it?
Or are we to live for now, for those with us now.
And then accept being a name, a great great somebody
on my grandpas side

1 comment:

  1. i really liked this. i wonder the same thing. i loved how you ended it and used "great great somebody" more then once.



About Me

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I am just a young girl in an old world. With my heart as a compass and ambition in my blood i'm ready for the adventure life has ahead for me. I love the art of expression, writing, art, photography or music, anything that lets the heart speak and the mind soar